E8MOM x 3-4 sets as able to maintain intensity around 88-90%60 cal AB
20 wallballs @ 30lbs
15 burpees
10 bar MU
8 on the dot
A couple of factors here. First, I switched pre-workouts today, I have used it before but not sure how much this effected my heart rate in today’s piece. Much like yesterday I was comfortable moving with an elevated heart rate.
Second, in round one I did the 60 cals in 3 minutes (not sure where this falls in line with proximity of previous times), and round 2 was 4 minutes, round 3 was 4:10. Not sure if I spilled over too much from round one. Wall ball unbroken on all rounds. Burpee took a minute in round one, longer in the remaining. Muscle ups done unbroken as well
10 min parasympathetic breathing @ 3142 tempo
Much needed, stressful last 24 hours.