Tuesday – 6/27/2017 – TTT

5 TNG power snatches @ 145lbs, directly into 10 cal sprint on ABrest walk 3-4 min x 3 sets


Times are totals and approximately correct 

Went as hard as I could on the last set and took me a little while to feel normal. 


5 TNG power cleans @ 205lbs, directly into 100m sprint on rower

rest walk 3-4 min x 3 sets

rows were 




Row times 


A – Sumo seated good mornings 4 sets of 8, rest 2 min (100-105)

105 across 

B1 – 1-arm band resisted bent over rows x 6/side, rest 30 sec (https://www.instagram.com/p/BVkpHvjBuQ0/)

B2 – 1-arm landmine pivot press x 6/side, rest 30 sec (https://www.instagram.com/p/BScV0ixDJCg/)

B3 – Hanging windshield wipers x 4/side, rest 90 sec x 3 sets

these were all awesome but definitely focused on getting a feel for the movements. 


8 min easy cyclic cooldown

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