A – Strict press – build to tough single quickly170
didn’t’ have much more in the tank than this, but was excited because I think the last time I tested a press was 165. And this broke gravity well and was a consistent grind but kept moving
B – 50 strict HSPU for time
So kind of pissed at myself here. Right after the press was warm and ready to rock, then I got into a debate with someone that delayed my training time, completely my fault and I cooled off a little. I want redemption with this sometime soon. Proper warm up, and staying warm I know I can perform much better than this
E4MOM x 4 sets
Row 40 cals, into
Set 1 – 20 back squats @ 135
Set 2 – 20 front squats @ 95
Set 3 – 20 wallballs @ 30lbs
Set 4 – 40 air squats with weight vest
(each set starts with row, only change squatting variation)
Um, was this supposed to feel like death, because this heavily sucked. On paper, I thought, oh this shit will be hard but fun. No where near as fun as I thought.
Back squat was about 3:02
Front squat 2:59
Wall ball 3:00
Air squat was 3:40
all rows were right around 2 minutes, set 3 was much harder than the first 2, and set 4 was a fight to stay at the same pace. My calorie per pull dropped off drastically and got in my head a little. Previous rounds I was consistent with that pacing, form was not as efficient on 4, didn’t know if I was supposed to row with a vest or not. Can’t wait for the progression of this one. Bring it on, I can’t believe I’m saying that.
Easy bike and hip flow cooldown
Done, was still careful about hip flow with some my position ivy issue still hanging around.