Saturday – 2/11/2017 – TTT

A – Snatch pulls 5×5, rest 2 min (keep arms long and lats active)195-215-225-235-245

Hands were sensitive today and no wraps, yes I was being a little bitch, felt good on pulls and holding positions

B – 1-arm bottoms up KB carry at shoulder height x 50ft/side, rest 30 sec bt sides x 4 sets

44 across 


7 min amrap

50ft/arm 1-arm DB OH walking lunge @ 50lbs (do this as 4x25ft, switch arms every 25ft)

30 box jump overs 24in

20 snatch 165lbs

finished last Snatch with about 3 seconds left, had to squat Snatch the last 2 to rush and finish. Box jump overs took a little longer than I wanted, wanted to finish quicker but not push too hard because I knew I needed as much in the tank to attack the snatch. Finished box jump overs with 3:38 left, should’ve got one snatch in right away, but I grabbed chalk and belt. First snatch at about 3:18 left. I think I had 6 left at the one minute mark, if I had a better plan of rep scheme timing probably could’ve finished. Mentally in my head as soon as I started thought there were 30 so I was pushing the pace early and know this effected my cycle rate but then I remembered it was only 20. 

C1 – Ring support hold 20 sec with external rotation, rest 40 sec

C2 – Active hollow hang from pullup bar 20 sec, rest 40 sec x 4

D – 2 min foam roll lats

E – 6 min box breathing @ 3152 tempo

all accessory done!

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