2 min foam roll lats teacup rotations
quadruped thoracic rotations
A1 – Bradford press x 6 (over and back = 1), rest 90 sec
105 across
Rep 5 and 6 were making me think I bit off more than I can chew,
A2 – Bar MU x 5, rest 90 sec x 4 sets
Rhythm got better as I went on
6 rounds for time
15 burpees
25 wallballs
50 DU
After round one i realized my plan was not going to be a good idea, goal was to average a 4 second burpee, wasn’t super far off the whole time but the middle rounds dipped a little. All wallball rounds except for last were 15/10, broke in the first round because I knew I would have some shoulder fatigue in the latter rounds. Later on tried to find a good strategy for minimizing rest b/t breaks.
B1 – Banded shoulder external rotations from seated x 8-10
B2 – Prone liftoffs with jerk grip and hollow midline x 3-4
B3 – Seated wall angels with internal rotation in bottom x 5-6
3 times through
All done!