Saturday – 12/17/2016 – TTT

A – Dbl KB split stance deadlift x 8/side, rest 45 sec bt sides x 3 sets70/hand

B – DB side bends x 8/side, rest 45 sec bt sides x 3 sets (can superset these two if you need to)

2 sets @ 50, 1 set at 70

The set at 70, felt major compensation on the right side 

C – 1-arm KB oh press from squat x 6/side, rest 1 min bt sides x 3 sets (2 sec hold overhead each rep)

Stupid humbling exercise



E2MOM x 6 sets

5 AB cals

5 C2B

5 AB cals

5 C2B


E2MOM x 6 sets

Row 5 cals

5 kipping HSPU 

Row 5 cals

5 kipping HSPU

C2B felt off today, but had to jump into the e2mom with a little light warm up or else I would’ve been run out but Saturday’s class

Started feeling better around set ¾. It was mostly due to timing and utilizing all of the hollow body position work and carrying it over to the pull ups

HSpu felt solid and smooth today


10 min mobility work

Good flow work today


5 min box breathing


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