10/28A – Clean doubles from blocks above knee – 6 sets, rest 10 sec bt reps, 2 min bt sets, moderate loading
220 across
no blocks, from the hang, probably made this a little more aggressive than I should’ve done today
B – Jerk dip squat x 2/Split Jerk x 1 – 6 sets at constant load, good mechanics, rest 90 sec
220 across
Felt really effective with this
6 sets, rest 60 sec bt sets
50 DU’s
15 ring pushups
50ft HS walk for time
15 and change, only got in 5 sets. Need to continue getting hs walk skill practice under fatigue. B/c first round was good and then got a little more broken each round.
Row 2k cooldown
Got in a session on Saturday but it was off the cuff with the group I was with and resources available. Did get some partner front rack yoke walking in. Yuck.