PAILS/RAILS overhead shoulder flexion and sleeper stretch – 1 min – 10 sec @ 80% – 30 sec – 10 sec @ 80% (1 time through for each arm/stretch)
Love this combo and find myself doing them both more than just the days they are structured.
TGU – 24 alternating reps not for time @ 53lbs
Is there any more boring or long of a movement? As much as they bore me I definitely understand the value.
3 rounds for time
30 wallballs
20 row cals
Goal was a loose sub 7, could’ve been quite a bit faster with better transitions. Didn’t have rower on at 3-2-1, that cost 15 seconds. Had a good row pace the first round, not too fast, around 1300 cal/hr and 55 to finish. 2nd round i took a couple of pulls then tightened up my straps, held around 1200 cal/hr. 3rd round cals finished in 45 seconds, first 10 was 1500 cal/hr and last 10 were 1900 cal/hr. I have to learn that i can still maintain a high level after flirting with the line on the rower. All wall balls unbroken, wasn’t until round 3 at rep 24 that I felt a little fatigue and that was more in the arms. I always forget in wall ball workouts to warm up my arms/lats/shoulders in movement prep.