Friday – 5/6/2016 – TTT

So excited for this day to come that I am back training. 

A – Squat snatch – 12 singles @ 70%, take a rep every 45 sec, stay in catch for 2 sec each rep

160 – holding the bottom was not a problem, was a little shaky overhead in the beginning but that improved drastically as the sets progressed. 

I broke the rules today and just wanted to see so I did a single at 185 and 195, timing and speed of the pulls were a little off but felt pretty good physically and especially mentally. 
B – Pressing snatch balance x 4/Sots press x 4, rest 3 min x 3 sets (light load)


No stability issues here at all. 
C1 – Wide grip strict pronated pullups x 4, rest 90 sec

I’m assuming this was activation piece?

C2 – Planche lean x 30 sec, rest 90 sec x 4

had to turn my hands to a neutral position. Not sure the exact position that gymnast use here. 

EMOM x 12

4 burpee box jumps (20in)

6 C2B pullups

Mechanics, consistency and fluidity started to break down in minute 10, more so because I was trying to protect my hands but I was also trying to rush and force the speed instead of just letting it flow. Minute 11 got back on track. Minute 12 was a little bit forced. 

Avg time per round was :22-:24. 

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