Tuesday – 4/5/2016 – TTT

AMAB 3 min @ 90% aerobic pace, last 15 sec are FAST. 2 min slow spin x 4 sets

used heart rate to measure. 


150 on the FAST


3 legless rope climbs for time, start a set every 4 min x 4




Took a break after this round. I do not completely trust our ropes, they scare the shit out of me do to a little bit of slickness. My choice to take 4 minutes off was more about safety, not all on grip and pulling capacity but that did play a role. 


For time

50 DB ground to overhead @ 45lbs/hand (5:55)

50 Toes to bar (9:17) 8-8-8-7-7-7-5

50 row cals (12:29)

50 HSPU @ open standard fml 

One major thing I noticed today with my hspu is that I spent so much energy on my negative today. I also rested in the bottom position more than I should instead of just adapting quickly. Overhead stability felt better today but still frustrated with this a little. 


CARs full


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