100m warmup
AMRAP 15 min
100m swim (work on breathing patter
24 russian swings
6 burpees
3 rounds with 16 db snatch @ 40
Better on breathing by was stiff and mechanics weren’t as fluid.
Swim 250m cooldown pace
(immediate hot shower and post workout shake or meal, then rest 3+ hours)
A – Clean – Work to a tough double, less than 15 sec bt reps
Didn’t feel a ton of hip pop today.
B – 5 min AMRAP
5 strict HSPU
5 front squats @ 185lbs (from ground)
5 + 1
Got done with round 1 about 38/40 seconds and I wanted to wait just a little bit because I knew the handstand push ups would eventually catch up to me. Round 3 hspu started slowing down, stayed unbroken until round 5 with just inside a minute left did 2-2-1, with hopes of having enough left in the tank to get more.
C – AB 10 sec sprint, 20 sec @ 350 watts, 30 sec slow spin x 8 this had a yuckiness to it.