Saturday – 12/26/2015 – TTT

Due to travel time doing two sessions today was not an option. So I did the pm first, figuring that there was less need for mobility and technical warm up and also recovering from the 2K row would probably take much longer. So long thorough heart rate, running drills, and deadlift build up warm up.

Even after being in the car for 3 hours and not in an optimal performance state, feel this was one of my grittier efforts. “Building some momentum” was a motivating statement for me

20 minutes rest between the run/deadlift/Burpee workout

A – Build to heavy hang clean from below knee in 8 min

+ rest 2 min

B – AMRAP 8 min

8 Overhead Squats @ 95lbs

8 C2B pullups
Paced this one out well, went fast on OHS and felt good on c2b’s with feeling good rhythm and went I would break I was aware the technical fixes I needed to make and also Just need to get faster on them.

+ rest 2 min

C – Row 2k for time
The first 1K felt terrible, no leg drive, hips didn’t not want to work with w deep burn. 1000-600 felt to loosen up a little, wanted to kick at 500 but was afraid might be too soon, kicked at 425, fastest pace I could pull was 1:38, held it for most of that time just couldn’t get it any faster.

Rest 3+ hours

For timeĀ 

Run 800m, directly into

10-8-6-4-2 Deadlifts @ 245lbs

2-4-6-8-10 Burpees over bar
Pretty sure the run was a little short but was unable to measure due to it being dark outside. Also did this training with a friend who pushed me a lot. Run was 2:59, hardest part on the deadlift was the transition from the 4th Burpee to the 6 deadlifts, hips were tired from run and dead. But kept moving happy with my grinding through here.

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