Wednesday- 8/19/2015 – TTT 

A1 – Wtd dips @ 21X2 x 1-2, rest 90 sec
88 x 2 across
Shoulders are pretty tired today. After 2nd set when I realized I was not going to be able to do 3 reps started doing a negative to lower after the 2nd rep.

A2 – Wide grip pullup negatives @ 41A1 x 2-3, rest 90 sec x 6


B – 3 sets

10 shoulder to overhead @ 135lbs

75 sec air bike @ 85%
Measurables were averaging 70-72 rpm, mid to upper 400 wattage

rest walk 90 sec


C – Hanging half windshield wipers x 12, rest 2 min x 3
Could feel my lats and lat soreness on these. Cramped a little in my quad on one set fighting for that L position.


D – Archer pushups on rings x 10 (5/arm), adjust angle to get perfect form with external rotation, rest 2 min x 3.
Right arm extended was high quality. Left arm extended was a fight to stay square and engaged. 10 reps was a good number, many more today would’ve had to keep adjusting the angle.

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