Really good squatting day/knees felt really good. Pull ups were another story.
A – Hang Squat clean – 8 singles, rest as needed. start at 235 and build with each make
B – Concentric only front squats – x 4, rest 10 sec/2:30
C – Hip extensions x 10/Glute ham raises x 5, rest 90 sec x 3 sets
hip extensions made the glute hams hard but awesome.
D – EMOM x 16
odd min – AMRAP 30 sec ring pushups
even min – 14 C2B pullups (first 4 sets unbroken, then split second 4 into 7/7 with quick shake out between)
12 is about the current threshold breaking point – but I was able to do the 14’s unbroken with a fight
the broken sets is when things began to fall apart.
5/7 – all were done with a gymnastics kip
7/7 on the last two – was able to regain my composure and get all the reps. However on the last set I was unable to take the quick shake out and finished the last set of 7 with about 10 seconds to spare.