Am – skill session
A. L-sits, 6 sets @ 10 seconds.
My quads became the reason holding for 10 seconds became harder.
B. 4 rounds of quick pace but not for time
30m farmer carry @ 115/hand
10 alt pistols
10 quick lateral box jumps @ 18″
I definitely plan on doing more farmers walk as this was not super hard but walking slow increased my own personal difficulty. Pistols felt good today as I worked on ankle mobility warming up and the lateral bounding at this height wasn’t a problem but it got me breathing pretty hard
Warm up with
20 ft handstand walks for speed and improving mechanics
A1 – Half kneeling 1-arm landmine press x 8/arm, rest 1 min
40 x 2, 45 x 3
Left arm couldn’t have handled any more weight today. Triceps were also pretty smoked from yesterday as well.
A2 – 1-arm suitcase deadlift x 8/arm, rest 1 min x 5
125 across
Felt super strong, stable and controlled on left side. Right side felt controlled but not as strong.
B1 – 1-arm ring rows x 6/arm, rest 1 min
B2 – 1-arm DB side bends x 6/arm, rest 1 min x 4
50, 65 x 3
C – Reverse wtd bear crawl x 30 sec, 90 sec rest x 6
Much harder going backwards than forward
D – Airdyne 15 sec HARD, 45 sec slow spin x 8, rest walk 5 min x 2
Rough day for the AirDyne.
1st set was on the assault bike which we had to tighten up the bike because the chain came off and it was so tight and hard to maintain 500 watts so I felt more leg fatigue then overall hard output.
2nd set was on an AirDyne which the monitor doesn’t work so just tried to go ham on it but have no measure of output.