A. Back Squat; 8 reps every 2 min @ 60-70% effort
225 x 2, 245 x 3
was a good load, was able to maintain good speed and rhythm, really focus on good position and tried to be explosive out of the hole. Left knee was a little achey, hips were tight even after glute/hip warm up but loosened up a little after the first couple of sets.
B1. KB Swing to eye level x 15, rest 1 min
B2. Toes to rings x 12, rest 1 min
B3. Wall Walks x 6, rest 2 min x 4
B1. 2 Pood
B2. focus on strong shoulder position and staying hollow in the back swing, minimal kip as I felt major lat engagmement.
B3. Was cussing you on every single rep. 2-3 reps each round were not bad, reps 4-6 were a grind and had to take small mini breaks between these reps. The 5 second hold at the top was the best part, I could feel full engagmenet here.
C. Row 400m @ 85%, every 2:30
1:25/1:46(avg 500)/27spm
Could have sustained these efforts for 2, maybe 3 more 400’s. Not sure if that was the sustainable 85% effort you were looking for.
D. 10 minutes of cool down mobility work