I have always had goals of becoming a more organized person. It’s never been a strength of mine at all. But I am also a believer that if you are on time you are late, and early is on time. And I do a good job of that. To do so, I normally use some reverse psychology and set a plan to leave early in order to leave my house at the right time. In the past I have read books to become more organized and the plans normally work for a while but then fall back into old habits.
Today it hit me. Make your own plan, own strategy instead of relying on someone else’s plan in a book or website. So I have written down all the things in the morning that consume my time, from packing my food for the day, eating breakfast, clothes to workout in and work in, to flossing, and brushing my teeth. Some things are non-negotiable in your day like brushing your teeth. But packing food and clothes can be planned out the night before. Mapping out my morning was the next step, from the moment I crack my eggs to what I can do to maximize my time while my eggs are being scrambled.
I am very regimented in everything else I do in my day, why not be more scheduled when preparing to start my day. Whenever the moment comes to have kids I know these things are not options but necessities. Planning does not have to be stressful or make you uptight and anal. Just by organizing my a.m. I will have more time available to do many of the other things I enjoy. One is continuing to inspire, motivate and educate others through my own readings and spreading good words around through the inter webs.
My Friday takeaway is, I have been wasting much time in my day that I could have fixed a long time ago. When I go to train, I have it all mapped out ahead of time, from my general warm-up, dynamic warm-up, and specific warm-up and this is all before I have even begin to workout. I have the habits instilled in me, just extended them in to other aspects of my life to be more productive and have more available time for myself.