I am over my disgust from having to do this WOD in 2013 because I have accepted the fact that it will hurt and I will be sore. Now that I have got that out of the way let’s talk strategy.
From the concept of CrossFit, I love this WOD. There is a ton of strategy that goes into this WOD much like the others that we have seen in the open, and like the others pacing will be super important. The Wall Balls which take up the biggest chunk of this workout should not be the crux of the workout, it should be the muscle ups. So let’s talk Wall Balls.
I believe it to be very important to have a strategy going into it and sticking to it. You should know your strengths or weaknesses of wall balls and use that to your advantage. The goal should be to knock out big chunks of the wall balls at a time and minimize rest. But if big chunks zap your energy, then smaller chunks with varying rest schemes are just as important. Here is an example
1)This should be the goal;
25, 25, 25, 25, 20, 20, 10 w/10 sec rest in b/t breaks. This ends up being roughly a 5:45 Karen time
2)10 sets of 15 with exactly 10 seconds rest. Roughly 6:30
3)10 sets of 15 with exactly 8 seconds rest. Roughly 6:12
When it comes to the double unders, just get them done. Double unders are one of those movements that taxes you aerobically but most of the time you do not realize it until you are done. With that being said, know your strengths and get them done either 50 & 40, 60 & 30, 30-30-30 or all of the way.
Muscle ups of course being the crux of the WOD should be done a little shy of your unbroken capabilities. Once a rep is missed it can be hard to recover more so mentally than physically. Keep your consecutive reps low and kip the dip.