Wednesday 12/11/2024 – Saturday 12/14/2024


A – Squat snatch x 1/Hang squat snatch x 1 – new complex every 45 sec x 10 @ 145-165lbs

145—— My left hip is still not happy from the runs yesterday, so just didn’t feel the energy in the tank to hit top end loads today. 

B – Squat clean x 1/Hang squat clean x 1 – new complex every 45 sec x 10 @ 175-205lbs

195 found a little groove here and 195 might have been a bit aggressive for today but grinded through it 

C – BTN split jerk x 1/Front rack split jerk x 1 – new complex every 90 sec x 6 from rack @ 205-225


D1 – Tempo GHD situps @ 2020 x 12-15, rest 1 min

15’s across 

D2 – Tempo GHD hip extensions @ 2020 x 12-15, rest 1 min x 4 sets


E – Supinated grip bent over BB rows with pause at sternum x 6-8 reps, rest 2 min x 4


12/12 – OFF


A – Bench press 4 sets of 3 and 4 sets of 2, rest 90 sec

205 (that was about 9.763/10 RPE)——210  as much as a grind 205 was I was afraid to make a much bigger jump than 6 pounds. 

B1 – Wall facing strict HSPU – AMRAP (-1), rest 1 min


B2 – Butt to wall strict HSPU – AMRAP (-1), rest 1 min

6—3*—4 — came off the wall from losing my balance in the 2nd set so that ficjed up my groove and flow there. 

B3 – Kipping HSPU AMRAP (-1), rest 4 min x 3 sets


*target is beating last week’s numbers

C1 – Deficit ring pushups x 4-5 (set feet up higher than the bottom of the rings so that you’re at a bit of an incline press), rest 30 sec

C2 – Parallette pushups x 6-8 (feet on ground so now your hands are higher, but still get chest below hands for a little more ROM), rest 30 sec

C3 – Hand release pushups x 8-10, rest 30 sec

C4 – Cobra pushups x 12-14, rest 4 min x 3 sets (hips stay down, should burn triceps at lockout)

Damnnnnnnnn cobras got me today. I was not able to get 12 unbroken on any round. I hit failure around 8/9

D1 – Light dbl DB bent over reverse flys x 6-8, rest 45 sec

D2 – Scap swimmers from prone x 30 sec continuous motion without touching body or ground, rest 45 sec

D3 – Banded ATYT x 5-6 reps, rest 45 sec x 3 sets


A – Front squat @ 40X1 tempo x 5, rest 2:30 x 5 sets

4 @ 205 – 1 @ 215 – every time I started a set I thought ok I feel good enough to go up on the next set and by the 3/4th rep of the set at that tempo I had second thoughts about my excitement to put more weight on the bar



For time (12 min cap)

10 power snatch 135lbs

20 power clean 135lbs

30 deadlift 135lbs

40 DB box step ups 50lbs/hand

50 toes to bar

11:52 —— barbell work felt good. Deadlifts got a little heart rate response. Step ups were mental and grip/trap fatigue. Ttb is not where I want it to be. Was doing 5’s and good until about 25 and that’s when my confidence to keep my rest breaks short went out the window. The last 15 were a fight. 


Accumulate 3 sets for times

50ft HSW

50 DU’s

3 rope climbs with legs

rest as needed to keep speed high

Felt really really smoked and did not have access to the 15 ft rope so just accumulated these sets and did not do them for time

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Tuesday – 12/10/2024


TTT gait prep


Easy 400m jog


100m building efforts, rest walk back to start x 4

*target here is a steady build in your speed from the start up until around the 70m mark, at which point you should be around 90% sprint speed. Hold that pace through the finish thinking about keeping a high turnover, driving knees up and forward, and midline strong. This ISN’T an all out sprint at the end, but should be close

I still like sprinting so much better


800m repeats @ progressive pace

0-200m @ 10k effort

200-400m @ 5k effort

400-600m @ 3k effort

600-800m @ strong kick

new set every 7 min x 5

*4km total

3:42 — 3:36—3:40—3:43—3:30 – this is the best running has felt in all of these progressions. Weather played a role as I was not running in the snow and 20 degree temps this week….also if I keep doing these on the track I am going to have to alternate which direction i am running as I really felt my left hip on the last set not feel good at all and a little overloaded/overuse from running only one direction for all 5 sets. Running these progressions on the track has really fet good as I have had good markers of when to shift gears and kick….just let me know if any of these progressions you would prefer to be done on a trail. 


Backwards walking cooldown 200m


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Monday – 12/4/2024

A – Squat clean x 1/Front squat x 1/Jerk x 1, new complex every 3 min x 5 sets
8 sets, rest 60 sec bt sets
12 wallballs (20lbs to 10ft)
9 box jump overs @ 24in
6 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 70lbs
3 ring MU
19:46 (with rest) – the hardest part of this piece was the db… around the 4th round when it really set in that this was creating the greatest limitation in transitions, I made up my mind to grind through right after the box jump overs. My transitions after the db to the muscle ups was still too long but the goal was to cut out the transition from the box to the db and the db to the muscle up. I wish I had kept track of each round. After the first 2 rounds when the difficulty set in, I probably dropped off in sets 3&4 and cut that back down with the quicker transition to the db….i rounded up a few seconds on average on most rounds just to keep the timing of restart easier to remember. So I’d say the average time per round was consistently around 90sec

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Wednesday 12/4/2024 – Saturday 12/7/2024


This was the perfect day I needed today

A – Hang Squat snatch – 1 rep every 30 sec x 15 @ 125-135lbs


B – (Muscle clean/Strict press) x 10-12, rest 2 min x 3 sets (very light load, first set empty bar)

Bar and 65 x 2

C – Russian KB swings – 12 reps EMOM x 8 sets (moderate loading, should be very doable to go unbroken across all sets)


D1 – Knee pull-ins from supine x 5-6

D2 – Prone wipers x 5-6 (hip internal rotation )

D3 – Squat flow with plate x 2-3 slow reps


rest as needed x 3 times through


Bike erg 150 cals conversation pace

Did 120 on echo

12/5 – OFF


A – Bench press 8 sets of 2, rest 90 sec


B1 – Wall facing strict HSPU – AMRAP (-2), rest 1 min


B2 – Butt to wall strict HSPU – AMRAP (-2), rest 1 min


B3 – Kipping HSPU AMRAP (-2), rest 4 min x 3 sets


C1 – Deficit ring pushups x 3-4 (set feet up higher than the bottom of the rings so that you’re at a bit of an incline press), rest 30 sec

C2 – Parallette pushups x 5-6 (feet on ground so now your hands are higher, but still get chest below hands for a little more ROM), rest 30 sec

C3 – Hand release pushups x 7-8, rest 30 sec

C4 – Cobra pushups x 8-10, rest 4 min x 3 sets (hips stay down, should burn triceps at lockout)


D1 – Light dbl DB bent over reverse flys x 6-8, rest 45 sec

D2 – Scap swimmers from prone x 30 sec continuous motion without touching body or ground, rest 45 sec

D3 – Banded ATYT x 5-6 reps, rest 45 sec x 3 sets



Was really pressed for time this morning due to helping out with some holiday things. So I made an executive decision to get the lifts in, and erred on the lighter side of everything to make sure I could get into the work quickly and get the work in.

Overhead primer for snatches x 2 sets, rest as needed

A1 – Banded ATYT with CO sym bands x 6

A2 – Banded snow angels with CO sym bands x 8

A3 – Banded face pulls into external rotation and overhead press x 10

A4 – BTN sots press with training bar/empty bar x 5-6 with 1 sec hold overhead each rep

I really feel  the banded face pulls into external rotation creates a little bit of extra stiffness that I can feel fighting through going into the sots press

B – Below knee paused squat snatch x 1.1.1 + 3 OHS after third rep @ 42X1 tempo, rest 2 min x 5 working sets 

*work around 135lbs to start, pause for 2 sec with bar below knee caps before each snatch rep to re-inforce good tension in lats and posterior chain, move slowly and deliberately on OHS

Stayed at 135

C – Overhead step to split x 3 steps/side with 3 sec hold in split position each rep, light load, rest 1 min x 3 sets



D – Behind the neck split jerk singles with 3 sec hold in split each rep, new rep every 30 sec x 18 @ 155-175lbs


E – Front Squat @ 30X1 tempo x 6, rest 2 min x 4 sets (find a tough working load at this tempo and rep range by the last set, so build as you go)

155-165-175-185 – probably could have pushed a lot harder but didn’t have a whole lot of available time left this morning so just went with it but at least I’m confident tempo was spot ono


Every 7 min x 3 sets

15 chest to bar

12 dbl DB thrusters @ 50/hand

9 lateral burpees over DB’s

Run 400m

*target here is smooth movement on the mixed portion and then trying to stay light on your feet and in control of your breathing on the run.

I would love to run this piece back next week if possible

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Tuesday 12/3/2024


TTT gait prep


Easy 400m jog


100m building efforts, rest walk back to start x 4

*target here is a steady build in your speed from the start up until around the 70m mark, at which point you should be around 90% sprint speed. Hold that pace through the finish thinking about keeping a high turnover, driving knees up and forward, and midline strong. This ISN’T an all out sprint at the end, but should be close

This was the best part of the day


600m repeats @ progressive pace

0-200m @ 10k effort

200-400m @ 5k effort

400-600m @ 1.5k effort

new set every 5 min x 5


2:37—2:39—2:41—1:39 —– my paces when I checked my watch might have been a bit aggressive for the targeted pace or at least on the 1.5K effort. That was a low 7 minute mile, for the full pace that might be uncomfortable but probably could hit that and maybe faster but would have to have someone pacing me. But this also helps doing this on the track


Backwards walking cooldown 200m


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Monday 12/2/2024

A – Squat clean x 1/Front squat x 2/Split jerk x 1, rest 3 min x 5 sets

185-195-205-215-225 – wasn’t how this was going to feel so wasn’t too aggressive with starting load or jumps. wasn’t until the 215 that I had to reset from front squat to jerk, but found that quick transition at 225
4 rounds for times
4 ring MU
8 burpees to 12in touch
16 wallballs
50ft HSW (25ft out and back)
rest bike 2 min bt sets

2:38—2:54—2:55—3:44 – rounds 1-3 felt good, with steady movement, even on the last round of burpee the turnover felt fatigued and felt myself slow down
Dbl KB front rack wall sit at parallel x 45 sec, rest 2:15 x 5 sets

GHD raises – accumulate 35 reps not for time but for quality


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Friday 11/8/2024 – Wednesday 11/13/2024


A1 – Band pull aparts palms up x 10-12

A2 – Band pull aparts palms down x 10-12

A3 – Diagonal band pull aparts x 6-8/side, rest as needed x 4 sets

B – 10 1-arm alternating TGU @ 20kg, not for time

C – Shoulder pendulum swings with light load, 2 sets/side, rest as needed –

4-5 reps side to side

4-5 reps front to back

4-5 small circles each direction

D – Reverse table top plank hold x 30 sec, rest 90 sec x 4 sets

*looking for shoulder extension AND hip extension, get as much of both as you can and try to BREATHE in that position


AMRAP 40 min @ 65-70% effort

Run 600m @ easy effort

10 1-arm alternating TGU @ 40lbs

Bike erg 1200m @ easy effort

20 box step overs holding single 24kg KB (anyhow)

Run 600m @ easy effort

30 DU’s + 30 single unders + 30 speed steps

Bike 1200m @ easy effort

20 goblet squats @ 24kg KB

2 full rounds, was much closer to the goal effort today


90 sec easy row, rest 30 sec

90 sec easy ski, rest 30 sec

90 sec easy bike, rest 90 sec x 2 sets


35 cal row @ 1100-1150 cal/hr, rest 30 sec

35 cal ski @ 1000-1050 cal/hr, rest 30 sec

35 cal bike @ 1050-1100 cal/hr, rest 90 sec x 4 sets

Row was a much wider range than the paces, rarely under but jumped back and forth through high and low. Ski was very consistent. Had to echo and damn sure wish i had access to bike erg today. 


3 sets, not for time

Active arch hollow positional work on rig, using box for leverage – 4 ‘reps’/position (

15-20 sec straight arm support hold on rings

Active arch hollow positional work on foam rollers – 4 ‘reps’/position ( )

15-20 sec bent arm support hold on rings (bottom of dip)


11/10 – OFF


A1 – Banded ATYT with CO sym bands x 6

A2 – Banded snow angels with CO sym bands x 8

A3 – Banded face pulls into external rotation and overhead press x 10

A4 – BTN sots press with training bar/empty bar x 5-6 with 1 sec hold overhead each rep

B – Snatch from blocks

3-4 reps from above knee, rest 90 sec bt reps

3-4 reps from knee, rest 90 sec bt reps

3-4 reps from below knee, rest 90 sec bt reps


C – Floating Squat snatch – 5 singles building to strong weight for the day

165—170—175—180—185xx – barbell felt really heavy today – just didn’t have enough speed on the 185 attempts

D – Power clean x 1/Front squat x 2/Split jerk x 1, rest 3 min and build to something heavier than last week

195—215—225 – with as heavy as barbell felt on snatch didn’t push the jerk like i wanted to

E – Autoregulated Front squats – 1 rep @ 205lbs, rack bar and rest 30 sec, then perform 2 reps, rack bar and rest 30 sec, then perform 3 reps, rack bar and rest 30 sec…continue to add 1 rep each round until you reach a 8-9/10 RPE (had 1-2 reps in reserve for that round). rest 4-5 min x 2 sets

6—6 – really wanted more but just wasn’t feeling spicy today

E1 – Glute ham raises x 6-8 + GHD hip extensions x 8-10, rest 1 min

E2 – Sidelying GHD sorenson hold x 20 sec/side, rest 2 min x 4 sets

Had to split these up, comfortable set up for both was different so just split them


TTT Run Warm-up –


Run 400m progressive intensity, faster every 100m to end around 4:30 min/1k pace, rest walk 2 min x 3



Run 1000m @ progressive intensity, faster every 300m, new set every 8 min x 5

4:28—4:30—4:44—4:39—4:55 (calf cramped up around the 400m mark and almost pulled up to walk and finish)


Backwards walk 200m easy cooldown



Easy bike erg 200 cals, low damper, conversational

Did 100 when i got back to the gym


A – Squat clean x 1 rep every 20 sec x 6 @ 195-205lbs, rest 3 min x 3 sets


B – BB push press x 1/BB push jerk x 4, rest 2 min x 4 sets

*each rep has a 2 sec hold overhead


C1 – Dbl DB OH carry x 100ft, rest 30 sec (stay at 35-40lbs)

stayed at 35 and that was so much nicer

C2 – AMRAP (-1) belly to wall plate step ups, rest 2:30 x 4 sets

*stop when you start to overcompensate in midline or are needing to pause


D1 – Deficit ring pushups x 4-5 (set feet up higher than the bottom of the rings so that you’re at a bit of an incline press), rest 30 sec

D2 – Parallette pushups x 5-6 (feet on ground so now your hands are higher, but still get chest below hands for a little more ROM), rest 30 sec

D3 – Hand release pushups x 8-10, rest 30 sec

D4 – Cobra pushups x 10-12, rest 3 min x 3 sets (hips stay down, should burn triceps at lockout)


E1 – Light dbl DB bent over reverse flys x 6-8, rest 45 sec

E2 – Scap swimmers from prone x 30 sec continuous motion without touching body or ground, rest 45 sec

E3 – Banded ATYT x 5-6 reps, rest 45 sec x 3 sets


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Friday 11/1/2024 – Wednesday 11/6/2024


A1 – Band pull aparts palms up x 10-12

A2 – Band pull aparts palms down x 10-12

A3 – Diagonal band pull aparts x 6-8/side, rest as needed x 4 sets

B – 10 1-arm alternating TGU @ 20kg, not for time

C – Shoulder pendulum swings with light load, 2 sets/side, rest as needed –

4-5 reps side to side

4-5 reps front to back

4-5 small circles each direction

D – Reverse table top plank hold x 30 sec, rest 90 sec x 4 sets

*looking for shoulder extension AND hip extension, get as much of both as you can and try to BREATHE in that position



AMRAP 30 min @ 65-70% effort

Run 400m @ easy effort

15 burpee broad jumps (cover at least 3ft with each jump)

Run 400m @ easy effort

15 overhead american KB swings @ 24kg

Run 400m @ easy effort

15 straight leg situps

Run 400m @ easy effort

15 goblet squats @ 24kg

Adam: how are you feeling

Ben: I feel pretty good but my calves are still smoked….

Well let’s run a shit ton more lol…..but I also was probably going quite a bit more than 65-70% effort….got 2 full rounds plus the kb swings


Barre class cause you love it

I actually did enjoy it. And it was about as tough as I thought it was going to be….but I did skip the rest of the day, just tired. 


90 sec easy row, rest 30 sec

90 sec easy ski, rest 30 sec

90 sec easy bike, rest 90 sec x 2 sets


35 cal row @ 1100-1150 cal/hr, rest 30 sec

35 cal ski @ 1000-1050 cal/hr, rest 30 sec

35 cal bike @ 1050-1100 cal/hr, rest 90 sec x 4 sets


3 sets, not for time

Active arch hollow positional work on rig, using box for leverage – 4 ‘reps’/position (

15-20 sec straight arm support hold on rings 

Active arch hollow positional work on foam rollers – 4 ‘reps’/position ( )

15-20 sec bent arm support hold on rings (bottom of dip)

11/3 – OFF


A1 – Banded ATYT with CO sym bands x 6

A2 – Banded snow angels with CO sym bands x 8

A3 – Banded face pulls into external rotation and overhead press x 10

A4 – BTN sots press with training bar/empty bar x 5-6 with 1 sec hold overhead each rep

B – Snatch from blocks

3-4 reps from knee, rest 90 sec bt reps

3-4 reps from below knee, rest 90 sec bt reps

3-4 reps from mid shin, rest 90 sec bt reps

*start these around 135 or so

135 and build to 155 from the mid shin….blocks i had access too were more above the knee and then knee and mid shin. 

C – Squat snatch – 5 singles from floor building to strong weight for the day


D – Power clean x 1/Front squat x 2/Split jerk x 1, rest 3 min and build to strong single for the day (leave 15lbs in the tank)

215 – there was definitely 225 in the tank, and maybe 235

E – Front squat – build to strong set of 5



EMOM x 12-15

1 – 20 DU’s + 10 chest to bar

2 – 20 DU’s + 10 kipping HSPU

3 – 20 DU’s + 10 wallballs @ 20lbs to 10ft

15 rounds – tried going for most of them with a double under as my first rep but that made me get a little sloppy around the 8/9 minute mark. 


TTT Run Warm-up –

Run 400m progressive intensity, faster every 100m to end around 4:30 min/1k pace, rest walk 2 min x 3 


Run 800m @ progressive intensity, faster every 250-300m, new set every 8 min x 5

4:21—4:04—3:56—3:57—3:45  —— my anterior tib was still a little sore when i started but that felt better as I went. The first round was feeling it out. Also did this on a track which really helped for pacing but also meant I didn’t have immediate access to the bike erg at the end so just did a longer backwards walk and walk….but also cut that short to go vote. 


Backwards walk 200m easy cooldown


Easy bike erg 200 cals, low damper, conversational


A – Squat clean x 1 rep every 20 sec x 6 @ 185-195lbs, rest 3 min x 3 sets


B – BB push press x 2/BB push jerk x 2, rest 2 min x 4 sets

*each rep has a 2 sec hold overhead


C1 – Dbl DB OH carry x 100ft, rest 30 sec


C2 – AMRAP (-2) belly to wall plate step ups, rest 2:30 x 4 sets

*stop when you start to overcompensate in midline or are needing to pause

8—8—-10—9 – I felt better with this as I went but it always threw me off and created a struggle when I had to switch the lead hand

D1 – Deficit ring pushups x 3-4 (set feet up higher than the bottom of the rings so that you’re at a bit of an incline press), rest 30 sec

D2 – Parallette pushups x 5-6 (feet on ground so now your hands are higher, but still get chest below hands for a little more ROM), rest 30 sec

D3 – Hand release pushups x 7-8, rest 30 sec

D4 – Cobra pushups x 8-10, rest 3 min x 3 sets (hips stay down, should burn triceps at lockout)

The rest in between made this much more delightful…..the parallete push uup was the only one I didn’t hit the high end of reps. It was a little achy on the shoulder but everything else felt really good

E1 – Light dbl DB bent over reverse flys x 6-8, rest 45 sec


E2 – Scap swimmers from prone x 30 sec continuous motion without touching body or ground, rest 45 sec

E3 – Banded ATYT x 5-6 reps, rest 45 sec x 3 sets


11/7 – OFF

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Wednesday 10/30/2024


Row 5 min @ 22 s/min with display on force curve

*pretty rainbows! pace is whatever you want it to be, very easy

Not as pretty rainbows today, maybe a few clouds to make it a little harder


Ski erg 600m x 10 sets; rest 2 min bt sets

*1:58/500m to start, increase pace each set if possible

2:22.4 (1:58.6) —2:22.4 (1:58.6) — 2:20.9 (1:57.4) — 2:19.8 (1:56.5) 2:18.0 (1:55) — 2:17.4 (1:54.5) — 2:16.1 (1:53.4) — 2:15.2 (1:52.6) — 2:13.6 (1:51.3 ) — 2:09.3 (1:47.7)


Weight vest walk 20 min


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Monday 10/28/2024 & Tuesday 10/29/2024


A – Snatch grip isometric pin pull below knee height – 14 sec of HARD contraction, new set every 90 sec x 3

*little longer hold this week


B1 – Below knee paused squat snatch x 1, 2 sec deadstop pause below knee then try to accelerate strongly from there, rest 15 sec

B2 – Squat snatch from floor x, rest 10 sec bt reps and 2 min bt sets x 6 working sets

*strong pause position for the single rep, then on the regular reps keep thinking about staying over

155-165×2—170—175×2 (last set at 175 wasn’t as consistent, missed one and then took an extra set to hit it,)

C – Front squat waveload – 6,4,2,6,4,2. rest 3 min


D – Strict press waveload – 5,3,1,5,3,1. rest 3 min



Serratus/scap series x 2 sets for quality

6-8 banded straight arm presses from quadruped 

4-5/side banded archer pullbacks with mini-band 

5-6 band distracted light DB front raises

5-6 scap pullups



Potential FOTC Week 4 redo, just to be sure of qualifying

7:03 – execution was better but was still a little sore from the first attempt in my lats so mentally was worried about that in the middle of the workout, 1st set on 60 dubz wasn’t my best but I stayed calm, was fighting for the set in 120 (40-40-40) I think i missed once or twice in there, breaks and rest/transitions in bmu felt really good, will go back and watch video for my own personal assessment.

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