Monday 9/30/2024 – Wednesday 10/2/2024


A – Snatch grip isometric pin pull below knee height – 10 sec of HARD contraction, new set every 90 sec x 5

*here’s the setup –

*cues – set this up so barbell is below knee height when driving against pins or j-cups. I want you to create a LOT of tension in this position. Pack your shoulders back, turn your lats on, keep your midline strong. Once you find a good spot with good connection into the pins, think about driving ‘down’ into the ground through legs as if you were trying to jump.


B – Below knee paused squat snatch x 1.1.1 + 3 OHS after third rep @ 42X1 tempo, rest 2 min x 5 working sets, moderate loading (work around 155lbs here, pause for 2 sec with bar below knee caps before each snatch rep to re-inforce good tension in lats and posterior chain, move slowly and deliberately on OHS)


C – Front squat – build to a strong set of 5 for the day, no more than 3 sets. rest as needed

265 this was a perceived 9.5/10,  but in reality was probably just a 9/10, only really grinded on rep 5

D – Rear foot elevated split squat – build to strong set of 8 on each leg @ 30X1 tempo, no more than 3 sets. rest as needed


E – Strict press @ 31X3 tempo x 6, rest 2 min x 4 sets (find a tough working load at this tempo and rep range by the last set)


F – Strict press drop set – AMRAP (-1) @ 120-130% of best load from E, rest 30 sec, AMRAP (-1) @ best load from E, rest 30 sec, AMRAP (-1) @ 70-80% of best load from E. Rest 4 min x 2 sets

Loading at 120—100—75———4–8–12 ++++++ 6–7–13


Serratus/scap series x 2 sets for quality

6-8 banded straight arm presses from quadruped

4-5/side banded archer pullbacks with mini-band

5-6 band distracted light DB front raises

5-6 scap pullups



AM (can push this to the weekend if a double doesnt fit the tuesday schedule)

Row 5 min @ 22 s/min with display on force curve

*pretty rainbows! pace is whatever you want it to be, very easy


Ski erg 600m x 10 sets; rest 2:30 min bt sets

*1:59/500m to start, increase pace each set if possible

2:23.7 (1:59.7)—2:22.8 (1:59) — 2:22 (1:58.3) — 2:20.4 (1:57) — 2:17.7 (1:54.7) — 2:17.5 (1:54.5) — 2:17.8 (1:54.8) — 2:16.3 (1:53.8) — 2:14.9 (1:52.4) — 2:13.8 (1:51.5)


Weight vest walk 20 min

Done – but only had time for 10 minutes


5 min window

Echo 2 min @ 62-64 RPM, directly into

AMRAP in remaining time

3 hang power clean and jerk @ 115lbs

5 Bar Muscle Ups



rest 3-5 min with easy bike spin


5 min window

Echo 2 min @ 62-64 RPM, directly into

AMRAP in remaining time

8 Hang Power Snatch @ 95lbs

3 Wall Walks



rest 3-5 min with easy bike spin


5 min window

Echo 2 min @ 62-64 RPM, directly into

AMRAP in remaining time

30 DU’s

6 1-arm alternating DB hang squat snatches @ 50lbs



A1 – Squat clean x 1/Front squat x 1/Split jerk x 1, rest 30 sec

A2 – Squat clean x 1/Split jerk x 1, rest 3 min x 5 sets

*start working sets at 195lbs



2 Sets, each for Time:

15 cal Row

15 kipping HSPUs

15 DB Front Squats @ 50lbs/hand

rest 2min bw sets



2 Sets, each for Time:

15 cal ski erg

15 Bar Facing Burpees

15 DB Box Step Ups @ 20″ (50lbs/hand)

rest 2min bw sets

2:40 — 2:22

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Monday 9/23 — Saturday 9/28


A – Feet elevated ring rows x 15 for time, rest 2 min x 3 sets (feet elevated to same height as hands)


B – Foot assisted strict bar dips x 15, rest 2 min x 3 sets (use as little foot assistance as possible to hit each set unbroken. picture it like a spotter helping only as much as needed to accomplish the rep)



EMOM x 5

1 – 30 sec HR pushups 19—20—21

2 – 30 sec ski cals 9—10—9

3 – 30 sec DU’s —60—62—61

4 – 30 sec 1-arm alternating DB snatch —15—15—15

5 – 30 sec HR pushups 20—18—19

rest 4 min x 3 sets

This was the perfect day i needed today


Front squat cluster set – 3.3.3, rest 20 sec bt 3’s, 3 min bt sets x 4 sets


Echo bike 24 cals (finish in < 1:15)

rest to 1:30 mark

6 cleans @ 185

4 cleans @ 205

2 cleans @ 225

rest to 6 min mark x 3 sets

1:51—1:51—2:04 – i’m pretty sure these were my times


EMOM x 8-10

Odd – 20 sec AMRAP strict pullups


Even – 20 sec AMRAP BB strict press @ 50-60% 1RM



EMOM x 8-10

Odd – 20 sec AMRAP hang power cleans @ 95lbs


Even – 20 sec AMRAP ring pushups



EMOM x 8-10

Odd – 10 sec hang from climbing rope, rest 10, 10 sec hang from climbing rope switched top hand

Even – 100ft dbl DB OH carry (35-45lbs/hand)

Done x 10 – with 35


For time

21-15-9 reps each of 

Heavy banded horizontal row (seated)

Light banded tricep pressdown

3:05 – actually went to globo gym side and used seated cable row and cable pressdown

9/26 – OFF


100 cal bike, start very easy and slowly build

Talked to someone the first 30 cals so was a very very east start into it


Lightly loaded hollow rocks x 20 sec on, 40 sec off x 8

*light load held in hands overhead, keep good tension in midline and shoulders



HSW GOLF practice

HSW 25ft, new set every 90 sec x 8

*track finish times AND number of steps. score = time in seconds + number of steps. lower is better


Scores -> 37—37—36—38—33—32—31


Ski erg 750m x 8; rest 3 min

**2K+5 to start, increase pace each set if possible

(didn’t get first interval copied in but I truly sandbagged it)— 2:56.9 (1:57.9) — 2:55.7 (1:57.1) — 2:54.5 (1:56.3) — 2:54.3 (1:56.2) — 2:52.8 (1:55.2) — 2:50.8 (1:53.8) — 2:46.8 (1:51.2)


(same OH/ER work)

Banded external rotation into OH press x 6 reps (keep ribcage depressed, do 2 full breath cycles in overhead position each rep, )

KB overhead drops from dead bug positions x 6 reps (1 full breath cycle in extension each rep ), rest as needed x 3 sets




13 min clock

1k row

100 wallballs (20lbs to 10ft))

Then in remaining time

Amrap of (10 dbl db thrusters and 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24″)

*50lbs per hand”

Had 5 minutes of amrap – row was 3:45-ish, wall balls done in 15’s for more than half and holy shit that was the heaviest db thrusters have ever felt in my life, did not have the grind to do any sets ub….2 + 10

9/29 – OFF

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Friday and Saturday 9/20 & 9/21


100 cal bike, start very easy and slowly build


Lightly loaded hollow rocks x 20 sec on, 40 sec off x 6

*light load held in hands overhead, keep good tension in midline and shoulders


Tucked handstand kickups into 15ft HSW, new set EMOM x 10

*kick up with knees bent and hips flexed, then once your weight shifts over your hands you can extend and walk


Ski erg1000m x6; rest 3:30

**2K+6 to start, increase pace each set if possible








(same OH/ER work)

Banded external rotation into OH press x 6 reps (keep ribcage depressed, do 2 full breath cycles in overhead position each rep, )

KB overhead drops from dead bug positions x 6 reps (1 full breath cycle in extension each rep ), rest as needed x 3 sets



10 Rounds for Time (15 min cap)

10 Burpees to 6″ Reach 

10 TTB 

14:06——I had to do this one in the evening. Burpee felt steady but ttb started getting grindy around round 6….i was being a little baby as my hands were very sensitive at that point. 


Hang Squat Clean Thruster:

EMOM x 3: 3 reps @ 55-60%

EMOM x 3: 2 reps @ 62-67%

EMOM x 3: 1 rep @ 70-75% 1RM Thruster



Every 3 min x 5 sets

8 front squats from floor @ 185lbs

75 DU’s

*volume build here



AMRAP 5 min

2 Rope Climbs

8 Hang Power Snatch @ 95lbs 


rest 5 min

AMRAP 5 min

12 chest to bar

8 BB Push presses @ 135lbs

I was smoked mentally and physically at this point. C2b felt way off – 4 even

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Monday 9/16/2024 – Friday 9/20/2024


Half kneeling thoracic flow x 3 sets

5 reps/side of (overhead half moon with arm closest to wall + horizontal windmill with arm away from wall) ( )

30 sec of foam rolling upper back , keep rib cage down during to isolate t spine



A – Dbl DB bench press x 10, rest 2 min x 5 sets (keep a continuous tempo to the set, with good depth/lockout) 


B1 – Wall facing strict HSPU x 3-4, rest 30 sec


B2 – Butt to wall strict HSPU x 3-4, rest 30 sec

4’s I even tried a few times to pause on the mat and take out momentum. I couldn’t do it for all 4 but at least 1

B3 – Kipping HSPU x 12 for time, rest 3 min x 3 sets

Forgot to track times 

C – Feet elevated ring rows x 12 for time, rest 2 min x 3 sets (feet elevated to same height as hands, these should get spicy)

20–23—24 – elevating my feet that high felt dangerous and I felt like I was going to have to kip some of them lol 


EMOM x 10

Odd sets – 30 sec AMRAP dbl db push presses @ 45lbs/hand


Even sets – 30 sec AMRAP russian swings @ 32-40kg

17–16–15–15-15 – this one was way more aerobic than any of the other progressions here, or maybe it was just the dbl db push press but I had a harder time to will myself to drive the hips harder to get a rep or two more out of the swing – done at 90


EMOM x 10

30ft HSW

Last week this fired up my shoulder so today I just went for 10 sets not on a clock. I called it at 8 as my shoulder started getting a little angry 


Every 45 sec x 5, rest 3 min x 4 working sets

Power clean x 1/Hang squat clean x 1 (same load inside a set, build each set to something tough for the day)

175—190—205—215 – 215 might have been a bit too much to bite off being crisp and clean but still was able to get all in roughly the same time frame, except for maybe grindy on the last squat


3 rounds for time

600m run (each round)

21-15-9 Toes to bar (reps go down by round)

12-9-6 Hang Squat cleans @ 155lbs (reps go down by round)

15:14 —— did all ttb UB, might have been a bad move but just wanted to see. And I had some manual therapy on the shoulder prior to the session so it felt really good with no pain. It also might have been a mistake because I didn’t attack the barbell like I should’ve. 


A – EMOM x 8

Back squat x 5 @ 205-215lbs

215 – this actually felt better than last weeks squat emom


AMRAP 5 min

1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 50lbs

*EMOM starting at 0 – 3 wall walks

56 – the snatch really started to tax me going back to the wall, I felt strong through the first 3 rounds of wall walks but the 4th kind of hit a little harder

(rest 5 min)

AMRAP 5 min

1-arm DB thrusters @ 50lbs (switch anytime)

*EMOM starting at 0 – 30 DU’s

56 – i didn’t feel great strength/stability wise with my left side, the thruster itself was “easy” other than stabilizing that left front rack position

(rest 5 min)

AMRAP 5 min

1-arm alternating DB devil press @ 50lbs

*EMOM starting at 0 – 4 ski erg cals

27 – i feel finding a rhythm in single arm DP is always a challenge

9/19 – OFF

Based on logistics of the weekend and saturday travel, i’m going to flip the double for saturday to friday, and hit the ski work early saturday morning before I hit the road


100 cal bike, start very easy and slowly build


Lightly loaded hollow rocks x 20 sec on, 40 sec off x 6

*light load held in hands overhead, keep good tension in midline and shoulders


Tucked handstand kickups into 15ft HSW, new set EMOM x 10

*kick up with knees bent and hips flexed, then once your weight shifts over your hands you can extend and walk


Ski erg1000m x6; rest 3:30

**2K+6 to start, increase pace each set if possible


(same OH/ER work)

Banded external rotation into OH press x 6 reps (keep ribcage depressed, do 2 full breath cycles in overhead position each rep, )KB overhead drops from dead bug positions x 6 reps (1 full breath cycle in extension each rep ), rest as needed x 3 sets

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Tuesday 9/10/2024 – Saturday 9/14/2024


For time

4 rounds of 

400m run + 8 clean and jerks @ 135lbs


4 rounds of 

200m run + 4 clean and jerks @ 165lbs


4 rounds of

12 bar facing burpees + 2 clean and jerks @ 195lbs

27:04 —— loved my pace for the first 4 rounds, the middle 4 I tried to slow my pace a little as the turnover skyrocketed my heart rate and wanted to attack the. Burpee aggressively going into it but instead they attacked me aggressively. 2nd barbell felt really light, not sure what my cycle time was but it felt as fast as the 135. 


A – EMOM x 8

Back squat x 5 @ 195-205lbs


AMRAP 5 min

Wallballs @ 20lbs to 10ft

*EMOM starting at 0 – 3 ring MU


(rest 5 min)

AMRAP 5 min

dbl DB box step overs (50lbs/hand, 20in)

*EMOM starting at 0 – 5 bar MU


(rest 5 min)

AMRAP 5 min

Bike erg cals

*EMOM starting at 0 – 7 line facing burpees

9/12 – OFF


100 cal bike, start very easy and slowly build


Positional breathing from Belly to wall HS hold with a hollow body shape – kick up, establish position, then go through 6 breath cycles before you come down. Make them slow and controlled with a good stacked position. rest as needed x 4 sets


Lightly loaded hollow rocks x 20 sec on, 40 sec off x 5

*light load held in hands overhead, keep good tension in midline and shoulders


Tucked handstand kickups into 15ft HSW, new set EMOM x 8

*kick up with knees bent and hips flexed, then once your weight shifts over your hands you can extend and walk


Ski 90 sec progressive intensity, faster every 30 to end below a 1:50/500m

rest 3 min x 2-3 sets


Ski 10 sec HARD start, Ski 20 sec SLOW x 3 continuous sets

*hard start is in the 1:40’s or below


Ski 2k Time Trial

7:39 – will post picture later today with accompanying notes

*plug into monitor and include picture of screen in the blog post after. lets see where we’re at here. be prepared to grind in the middle, from 900-1500.


(same OH/ER work)

Banded external rotation into OH press x 6 reps (keep ribcage depressed, do 2 full breath cycles in overhead position each rep, )

KB overhead drops from dead bug positions x 6 reps (1 full breath cycle in extension each rep ), rest as needed x 3 sets




4 rounds for max reps:

1 min CTB pull ups 24—24—23—21

1 min thrusters 95lbs 14—14—13—12

1 min row cals 19–20–18–18

rest 1 min


Squat Snatch AMRAPs:

60 sec AMRAP @ 125lbs

60 sec AMRAP @ 135lbs

60 sec AMRAP @ 145lbs

60 sec AMRAP @ 155lbs

Rest 30 sec b/t each set/change weights



Every 3 min x 4 sets

8 front squats from floor @ 185lbs

75 DU’s



Gliding hamstring curls x 6-8, rest 2 min x 4 sets

*low back in rack, heels on bench/box

9/15 – OFF

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Wednesday 9/4/2024 – Saturday – 9/7/2024


A – EMOM x 8

Back squat x 5 reps @ 165-185lbs for smooth speed


B – EMOM x 8

15 wallballs (20 to 10)

Felt good to squat a lot


EMOM x 12

Odd – 15 cal row

Even – 8 BBJO @ 24in

Tried to keep burpee paces around 27-31 and I think i kept all of them sub 30 from what I remember

+ (rest 5-6 min)

EMOM x 12

Odd – 15 cal row

Even – 10 burpees to 6in touch

I think from what i remember i was around 29-32 seconds each round on burpee

9/5 – OFF


Went in kind of a weird order for the friday-saturday training sessions

75 cal bike, progressive intensity, first 30-40 very easy pace then ramp into it steadily as you go

7:47 – was a slow start but finally got going


Positional breathing from Piked HSPU position (toes on box, hips above shoulders). do 5 breath cycles with arms extended, and 5 breath cycles with head on ground. rest as needed x 2 sets

Done – really trying to push through these positions to breath and expand my ribcage during these breath cycles


Positional breathing from quadruped position (hands below shoulders, knees below hips – ). push through ground to protract scaps, breathe in through belly and mid to upper back, 360 degree expansion. 5 breath cycles, rock hips back to heels slowly with each breath, rest as needed x 2 sets



Piked HS walk 180 degrees + 10 alternating shoulder taps from piked HS + Piked HS walk 180 degrees back, slow spin on bike with ful inhale/exhale as active recovery x 3 sets ( )



Banded external rotation into OH press x 6 reps (keep ribcage depressed, do 2 full breath cycles in overhead position each rep, )

KB overhead drops from dead bug positions x 6 reps (1 full breath cycle in extension each rep ), rest as needed x 3 sets


AMRAP 12 min

Bike erg 500m

5 wall walks

50 DU’s

5 + 300 meters – I went for it on wall walks, all except for one of the rounds – I also did this on friday stand alone as I got a buddy to join in that I knew would push me and I was chasing him the whole time. Bike wasn’t long enough for me to create enough space on it, but I damn sure tried. He would smoke me on wall walks so my goal was to go rep for rep and I did all except for that one round and he got past me on the dubz so this was really fun to chase someone that I need could get me on this workout with what was once considered a huge weakness. I sill need work but i have a whole lot more confidence on it. 



For time, partition work anyhow

2 mile run

80 toes to bar

40 PC/PJ @ 115lbs

22:04 – my breakdown was 5 pc/j -> 15 TTB (wanted to do 2) – 5 pc/pj – 5 ttb -> 6 rounds of 400m run/10 TTB/5 pc/pj → 800m run i only had 2 rounds that i had longer transitions than needed – this was actually really fun and enjoyed the push. I was worried about the TTB volume and it actually felt better and better as i went but my shoulder was achy after but I think that was more the volume 


A – Front squat – 4,4,3,3,2,2. rest 3 min, 78-88%

235—245—255—260—265—270 – didn’t really go off of percentages as I built, as long as it didn’t feel too heidi out of the hole I added at least a little bit of weight. I can only guess where my max is right now and wanted to see what some heavier loads actually feel like. 

B – Front squat x 1/Jerk dip x 1/Split jerk x 1, rest 2 min x 6 sets @ 74-78%

215 across 

C – Clean grip deadlifts – 5 sets of 8, rest 2 min

*mod loading here, ensure neutral spine and good activation of posterior chain



Pump Finisher:

For time:

50 Diamond Push-Ups

50 Ring Rows

25 Diamond Push-Ups

25 Ring Rows

This didn’t feel great on the shoulder but it wasn’t past a 2, i have forgot my time by now but i think it was 7 something

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Tuesday 9/3/2024


Thorough warmup

3 rounds for time

800m run

2k bike

23:24 – goal was to be sub 8 minutes per round, it got mentally tough on the 2nd bike I will have to go back to the back and see if it saved in memory the paces but I was trying to stay around 1:45-1:49


Easy walking cooldown x 5 min



Down regulation breathing x 5 min


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Friday 8/30/2024 – Monday 9/2/2024

75 cal bike, progressive intensity, first 30-40 very easy pace then ramp into it steadily as you go
Positional breathing from Piked HSPU position (toes on box, hips above shoulders). do 5 breath cycles with arms extended, and 5 breath cycles with head on ground. rest as needed x 2 sets
Positional breathing from quadruped position (hands below shoulders, knees below hips – ). push through ground to protract scaps, breathe in through belly and mid to upper back, 360 degree expansion. 5 breath cycles, rock hips back to heels slowly with each breath, rest as needed x 2 sets
Piked HS walk 180 degrees + 10 alternating shoulder taps from piked HS + Piked HS walk 180 degrees back, slow spin on bike with ful inhale/exhale as active recovery x 3 sets ( )
Banded external rotation into OH press x 6 reps (keep ribcage depressed, do 2 full breath cycles in overhead position each rep, )
KB overhead drops from dead bug positions x 6 reps (1 full breath cycle in extension each rep ), rest as needed x 3 sets
Bike erg cal pyramid
15 cals, rest 15 sec
30 cals, rest 30 sec
60 cals, rest 60 sec
120 cals, rest 60 sec
60 cals, rest 30 sec
30 cals, rest 15 sec
15 cals
*you can plug this into the monitor using intervals – calorie – variable. takes a minute to get it all in but makes it really easy to track.
I will have to go back to the machine I did this on to see the completed time….but I could have pushed harder all the way through, I didn’t know what pace I would be able to hold in the set of 120 and I held back all because of that…from what I recall I was holding around 1100.

A – Front squat – 4,4,4,4. rest 3 min, 75-80%

not sure what my percents are but 24 across
B – Jerk dip x 2/Split jerk x 1, rest 2 min x 6 sets @ 70-75%

C – Clean grip deadlifts – 4 sets of 8, rest 2 min
*mod loading here, ensure neutral spine and good activation of posterior chain

EMOM x 15
Min 1 – 14 cal row
Min 2 – 16 cal row
Min 3 – 18 cal row
I don’t know if I have told you I love rowing, please give me more rowing. Just as my hands were starting to heal (from all the rowing) they got a little tender again….even with trying to conserve a little bit of energy in the 14 cal interval that was almost the hardest one
Accumulate 35 GH raises for full ROM

9/1 – OFF

Half kneeling thoracic flow x 3 sets
5 reps/side of (overhead half moon with arm closest to wall + horizontal windmill with arm away from wall) ( )
30 sec of foam rolling upper back , keep rib cage down during to isolate t spine
A – Close grip bench press @ 31X1 x 4 reps, new set every 2 min x 6
*mod loading here, work on tension in body and straight bar path
I really wanted to hit 185 but after I got under 175 for my first set at that tempo i decided to stay at 175 across – and my pressers just felt tired – might have been a little more than moderate but speed was consistent and no grinding
B1 – 3-4 strict HSPU + 6-8 kipping HSPU, rest 1 min
4&8 – hspu felt great today
B2 – 3-4 strict rope pullups + 5-6 strict pullups on bar, rest 2 min x 4 sets
*switch top hand on rope pullups each set
4&6 rope pull ups felt good but pull ups didn’t feel as strong
EMOM x 8
Odd sets – 20 sec AMRAP strict presses @ 75lbs
Even sets – 20 sec AMRAP russian swings @ 32-40kg
11-12-11-12 – @ 90lb kb
EMOM x 8
Odd sets – 20 sec AMRAP hand release pushups
Even sets – 20 sec AMRAP high tension banded horizontal rows

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Wednesday 8.28/2024


3 sets, rest as needed

10/side diagonal band pull aparts

8/side 1-arm DB ext rotation @ 10-15lbs

6 snatch grip prone lift offs with 2 sec hold (empty training bar or lightly loaded PVC)

Not a great training day. I think it was a combination of a few factors, choosing to do yesterdays workout all outside probably drained me more than i think, or ate enough and hydrated enough in recovery. 


AMRAP 9 min

3-3-6-6-9-9…reps each of 

Ring MU

Thrusters @ 135lbs

59 reps


Row Warm-up; 


I did not hit all my target numbers….I started to do the row position in the afternoon and I was not feeling it. So I finished my day and tried to do it again in the evening. I was at a 8 or 9/10 and that was falling short of my target numbers. Was hitting 1:49-1:50 on all sets and that was a huge mental and physical fight today

Row 1:40 @ 2-4 sec per 500m faster than avg pace from test

rest 20 seconds 


rest 2min, then: 

Row 1:40 @ 2-4 sec per 500m faster than avg pace from test 

rest 20 seconds 


rest 3min, then: 

Row 1:40 @ 2-4 sec per 500m faster than avg pace from test 

rest 20 seconds 


rest 3min, then: 

Row 1:40 @ 6-10 sec SLOWER per 500m than avg pace from test 

rest 20 seconds 


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Tuesday 8/27/2024


Every 12 min x 4 sets

Run 600m

Bike erg 1.2k

Run 600m

8:18—8:19—8:24—8:38 – this felt a little bit better and slightly easier than last week, and more because of the time to recover before the next interval….paces on runs felt good, i wanted to push the bike a little more on each round but on round 3 that got really hard and more because I chose to take to the bike outside too and it was really really really hot and that started draining on me


Easy walking cooldown x 5 min



Down regulation breathing x 5 min


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